Saturday, March 12, 2011

Connected Through Service

I am a human services professional. That doesn't mean that I don't just reply with the much easier answer of "social work" when people ask me what I do. I have learned time and time again that most often people hear "Human Resources" when you say "Human Services." It's also an honest answer when human services encompasses social work and then some (like non-profit administration.) 

I love what Lincoln University states is the goal of the human services practitioner, "The goal of the human service Practitioner is to enable people to live more satisfying, more autonomous, and more productive lives, through the utilization of society’s knowledge, resources, and technical innovations."  Feel free to continue learning about human services here.

So I am hoping to use technical innovations to serve human services practitioners and those with other (and currently less confusing) titles. My goal is to share knowledge and resources and connect with those who share with me a love of service. 

My current favorite quote is from Mother Teresa, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." This is what is inspiring me to keep serving others when my insecurities begin to grow. How about you, what are the quotes that are keeping you going?

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