Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Let's Just Say I Like to Represent-TUA Honor Society

Just as advocating for the needs and rights of "all members of our society" means more to me than just fulfilling an ethical obligation; I find importance in advocating for the recognition of the Human Services field as valuable to our society, and basically I also like to represent! 

That's why I was happy to learn the National Human Services Honor Society-Tau Upsilon Alpha announced they have merchandise for sale at cafe press. I became a member my senior year and one benefit of joining is a lifetime membership ;) 

So here's what item I have on my wishlist, a cute journal (because who can say no to another journal???) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fill Your Cup Quote #1

Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.
Morihei Ueshiba~Creater of Aikido

Monday, March 14, 2011

Is there a Human Services Professional in the House???

Is there a Human Services Professional in the house, the Georgia House of Representatives? OK, so we all know our local legislators may not be asking this question, but they should be!  People serving the community have a sense of what impact a proposed legislation may have.

So here is my short list of current Bills that should have you running down to the state capitol (or at least calling your state representative and senator.) I would suggest having those two on speed dial. OK, so I still need to enter in Rep. Terry Johnson and Sen. Steve Thompson into my phone! If you don't know who your local legislators are just go to the GA Secretary of State website and click on My Voter Page in the left corner. 

A few of the embarrassing highlights at the GA state capitol this year have been the Obama "Birther" bill and basically anything said by Rep. Bobby Franklin. The unfortunate changes to HOPE scholarship were approved last week, and are set to go into effect this fall.  It seems that there has been no shortage of anti-immigrant legislation  this year and no anti-LGBT legislation.

1. HB59 "Destroyer of the Dream" Bill that denies higher education to all undocumented students. 

2. HB87 & SB40 & SB104 "Arizona Copy-cat" "Show-me-your-Papers" both legalize racial profiling

What bills are on your watch-list this year? Let me know if I need to add to this list :)

***Update 3/18/11***
HB87 & SB40 have passed the House and Senate respectively. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Connected Through Service

I am a human services professional. That doesn't mean that I don't just reply with the much easier answer of "social work" when people ask me what I do. I have learned time and time again that most often people hear "Human Resources" when you say "Human Services." It's also an honest answer when human services encompasses social work and then some (like non-profit administration.) 

I love what Lincoln University states is the goal of the human services practitioner, "The goal of the human service Practitioner is to enable people to live more satisfying, more autonomous, and more productive lives, through the utilization of society’s knowledge, resources, and technical innovations."  Feel free to continue learning about human services here.

So I am hoping to use technical innovations to serve human services practitioners and those with other (and currently less confusing) titles. My goal is to share knowledge and resources and connect with those who share with me a love of service. 

My current favorite quote is from Mother Teresa, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." This is what is inspiring me to keep serving others when my insecurities begin to grow. How about you, what are the quotes that are keeping you going?